ick here to order

"the root of all our problems is our lack  of awareness
of our energies"

Hidden Secrets of Real Health
(page 16)


Some Energy Solutions 

How Does it Work?

Energy Awareness Trainings

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Energy Solutions Products

What some of our clients have said:

"I took your advice and felt an enormous sense of peace.  Your call was an answer to prayer!"
Val M, UK


. . . 20 yrs is too long to live like a zombie. “I’m so much better - I cannot believe it in this short space of time! I have no more asthma. I feel so well and my energy level is fantastic - just like when I was 20 years old! I don’t get anymore hot flushes. You are the best “doctor” I have had . . . "
Katherine T (73), Wales


"Using your techniques I was healed of severe, chronic back, joint and muscle pain.

Prior to taking your advice, I had spent considerable time and money with many medical professionals  including doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, etc., but to little avail. Within four weeks of commencing your treatment, I achieved a stable state of health and no longer required the services of any medical or health practitioners.
Rob T, Australia


Your  techniques have helped me enormously. I have learnt to recognise what gives me energy and what drains it and have been able to loosen and let go of attachments to people and other sources of stress that were keeping me stuck in a life I did not want to live.  Without your loving support, I doubt I’d be living the happy, successful life I have today."
 Lizzie T, London

"It's so good to be able to do things without feeling totally exhausted. Your work is so far in advance of anything else . . . You have given me back my life." Val W, UK


"This is stupendous therapy! I am feeling better than I have for seven years. It happened so quickly! . . . My energy is incomparably better. I can't tell you how happy I am." Maria P, UK


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Energy Solutions from Stephen and Lynda Kane at Realhealth-online -  an innovative advisory service now available world-wide for anyone who wants to find personally-effective treatments and solutions for their problems, guaranteed to match their unique energy profile.

 Energy Solutions - the personal on-line energy-aware resource         investigation and referral service  from   RealHealth-Online

An Energy Solutions analysis gives you a completely personal, customised report of how to start unblocking whatever issue is keeping you stuck, health or life-wise, right now. It will include suggestions from any "discipline" or method - if there is something in that approach that will effectively deal with the damaged energy underlying your problem or issue. Our service isn't a quick-fix, or a "band aid" nor the latest "product," theory, or "gizmo"

So, If you're feeling stuck . . .

Or simply tired of . . .

  • Struggling to get rid of chronic health symptoms -
  • the same relationship problem repeating -
  • - of the niggling or more serious kind
  • - or not having one at all
  • Constantly facing the same issue or problem
  • Feeling that your job is just wearing you out
  • Unsure about an important decision
  • Feeling there must be more to life - but what?
  • Not sure about a recommended treatment
  • Feeling tired all the time
Or sometimes you just wish there was something, or somebody who could say  "yes, that's a good match for you and your energy" and you could be fairly sure it would work for you and wouldn't just be the latest fad, fashion or theory, nor have unexpected side-effects or create new problems?
Perhaps we can help, with an Energy Solutions analysis and advisory. It's a truly personal consultation based on a complete analysis of your unique energy profile that gives you a detailed and personally energy-matched plan for addressing the problems or issues you bring to us, for you to work with at home, in your own time.

We have been researching and documenting human energy systems, and the most effective ways of influencing them, for over 30 years and have developed a
detailed and wholistic approach to analysing the energetic imbalances in your body that are connected with your symptoms or other problems.
We don't look at you through the allopathic filter, the homeopathic filter, the herbal remedy filter, the naturopathic filter, the exercise and nutrition filter, the personal growth filter or any other filter for that matter. Nor do we give you suggestions from just one or other of these points of view.
We give an in-depth analysis of the damaged energies (all of us have them) in your body underlying and maintaining your problem - health or life - and search for the most effective responses for you. We will provide a  2- 4 page report of
personal energy-matched recommendations that work together to start to seal and heal your damaged energies, restoring the energy you need to resolve the problem. Sometimes, depending on the nature and "age" of the problem, this can be a quick and easy process. Some problems are more entrenched and require a more persistent approach.
Any effective response to a problem has to seal the energy body where there are holes or, more technically, "lesions" that underlie the problem. If your current treatment or activity isn't giving you positive results, then your energy is not being effectively sealed by it. An Energy Solutions analysis only makes recommendations that will effectively seal the energies relating to your problem or issue, and will do so with no unwanted-side effects.
Once you start following the recommendations, we'll help you implement them and, if necessary, check how you're doing and suggest further resources or follow-ups if needed. Finding real solutions to problems, that stick, is a process of discovery, of peeling the layers of an onion.  You may need a series of follow-up Energy Solutions to completely resolve your issues.
An Energy Solutions analysis offers you a number of unique benefits:
    A complete and in-depth look at your energy body    
         Not filtered through the eyes of any one method or discipline  
  Personally-tailored recommendations from our world-wide database of solutions
 Energy-aware matching - we only make recommendations that match your energy and your problem
    We'll tell you exactly how/where to get anything that we recommend for you  
       You can choose to have us do regular health-energy monitoring for you
       Optional on-going energy development guidance     

Energy Solutions gives you a unique "second-opinion" (if you've already had a first one) - answering the thousand dollar question, "Is this (treatment, supplement, exercise, training, teacher, job, partner, house, etc.) actually good for my energy?" 

And if you haven't had a "first-opinion", you'll find it a uniquely innovative response suggesting solutions to your problem that you most likely will not have considered but may find surprisingly effective.

See some examples here.

If you're more than happy to simply follow the advice of your chosen practitioner/teacher without checking whether, in fact, their recommendations or method actually suits your energy, and you - then, of course, you don't need an Energy Solutions analysis.
, just take a moment to reflect on how often you've taken a medication, a supplement or followed a personal development method for example, without it doing much, if anything, for you, or sometimes have it cause you unexpected problems.

This is a somewhat novel and, as far as we know, unique service. It may never have occured to you that it's possible to precisely check out the "rightness" for you,
of something you are thinking of taking or doing. Or, that by examining your energy profile it's possible to generate solutions that you probably would never have thought of. We welcome your questions. Just email us at support@realhealth-online.com and we'll be happy to respond.

So what do I do next?


How do I request an Energy Solutions Advisory?
Email us at energysolutions@realhealth-online.com

How much does it cost?
Energy Solutions Online consultation -
£60  (
This includes your analysis and personalised energy-matched report & recommendations and email support.

Energy Solutions Personal consultation
- £60  
(face to face consultation, plus report, plus telephone support)

Energy Solutions Personal consultation - $160  (overseas consultation, plus report)

Energy Solutions Personal consultation + The Living Home service
- £POE
(An on-site consultation in your home.)

NB: For chronic issues/conditions we offer a regular Monitored Energy Solutions service - email us for details

Our promise: We've been researching human energy systems for over 30 years and have accumulated extensive databases of resources, all classified by their energetic "signature". If we can't find positive energy-matched solutions for you in our databases, we'll go and search for new ones. If we cannot respond to your problem we'll tell you and immediately refund your fee.  


"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke


All rights reserved ©  1999-2004 Stephen & Lynda Kane