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Energy Awareness Training

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Energy Egg user comments
Energy Eggs
Guardian Angels
Perfect Pendulums

Hidden Secrets of Real Health

Living with

Energy Awareness

From Disabling EMF Allergy to Higher Awareness

This week, a brief look at EMF sensitivity, an increasing problem we encounter in our clients today as the background EM pollution in the world rises logarithmically, with more phone masts, wifi'ed towns and homes, electronic equipment, bluetooth and so on.

We're currently working with Gary - an Energy Solutions client in the United States - who's suffered from extreme electromagnetic field (EMF) hypersensitivity, chronic fatigue, food allergies and other symptoms, including severe reactive swelling, for over twenty years. These are some of the comments he has made since we started working with him . . .

"The improvement I am still experiencing is steady and more each day. My parents are truly amazed with the response. Some things are truly extraordinary in terms of some lifelong things that have corrected . . . it has only been a matter of days.

The diet guidelines have really done well for me. They are what have given me back so much energy.
Most of the most noticeable symptoms I had have all but disappeared, I seem to walk normally, my posture is good, speech and reading ability have so greatly improved. One potentially significant thing is that I tend now to naturally swing my arms when walking.

The progress is wonderful that I have been able to achieve with you in just a few weeks - this [symptom] has been a part of my life for over 21 years now, so for me to have hope that it is going to be a thing of the past is wonderful.

The biggest improvement has come in the past few days in my finding a more accurate way of testing to see what electronic equipment in my environment is really causing me problems whereas before I was assuming that in most cases I was tolerating these things ok . . . a great burden seems off my body and my energy just seems so much more normal now . . . With my energy more stable, this was the first time today in . . . years that I could do the more complicated work I do . . . the organizational skills and information processing that I need to do my work have tended to be so weak in the past few years. They seem to just be coming back online . . . It is hard to believe so much positive has occurred in just over a month now. It is uncanny how well your ideas work for me." Gary M, USA

Gary has the same energetic lesion in his 6th chakra - a subtle energy centre that controls the functioning of the frontal lobes of the brain and the autonomic nervous system - that is common to all people who suffer from EMF allergies and hypersensitivities. There are differences between EMF-hypersensitive people, in terms of the depth of the lesion and its end points - reflected as variations of symptoms - but the original bio-energetic malfunction is the same in all cases.

The lesion - which we call a "pirya" - appears as a vertical mark, descending from the centre of the forehead with a horizontal branch to the right which can, in severe cases, extend all the way round to the back of the head. The vertical segment can descend to the brow or, in the worst cases, as far as the perineum.

Apart from reacting to electromagnetic fields, another symptom that is common to people with a pirya in their 6th chakra is poor decision-making skills regarding their health. The 6th chakra has a very powerful influence on the quality of your thoughts and mood. When afflicted by a 6th chakra pirya, it becomes harder to make choices that lead to recovery. People afflicted by EMF allergy or sensitivity often become trapped in a state of trying to manage their symptoms rather than recognising the actions that lead to a reduction of the size of the lesion or that even completely seal their 6th chakra.

Another unfortunate consequence of a severe pirya is a lack of persistence. Although we have seen many people recover from EMF allergies we have also seen many who lacked the energy to make a sustained effort with respect to their recovery. Instead, they try this, that or the other a little bit - but never enough to discover what really works as opposed to just "band-aiding" some of their symptoms.

Gary was fortunate insofar as he noticed positive results soon after starting on his road to recovery. But, he also has the intent to persist even on days when he doesn't feel so well and the developing awareness to often be able to do something about those days without our help.

These faculties - the intent to be well (an energy that can be developed) and the awareness to recognise healing actions - are, ultimately, far more important than even the recovery process itself. This is because they will not only vitally help Gary's healing process but also gradually transform the stress of the illness into higher awareness and other higher energy abilities that are rarely experienced even by people who always feel well.

Even health challenges, or karmas, can be used to grow in consciousness.

To your health, happiness and energy awareness,

Stephen & Lynda
The School of Energy Awareness

Comments from the Energy Awareness Training:
"It was such a brilliant weekend - I feel truly blessed"
"I didn't realise it was going to change my life!"

Energy Awareness Training

Living Home
Comments from Energy Egg users
Energy Egg
Guardian Angel
Hidden Secrets of Real Health
+44 (0)1458 830462
(0)207 617 7521
skype: lyndakane

     The LED Partnership Ltd 2004-7  
 www.energyegg.com               www.realhealth-online.com           www.energyawareness.org
This email is intended solely for individuals interested in Living with Energy Awareness.
The opinions expressed are products of whole body energy awareness and are intended only for the person to whom this is addressed.
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