The School of Energy Awareness

     Perfect Pendulum FAQ's (frequently asked questions)


              1. I can dowse with anything - even my car keys

   1. I can dowse with anything - even my car keys . . . 

       " I can dowse with anything, my car keys if I have too"

If you dowse with your car keys they will:

(i) take energy from (i.e. damage) your stareye ("third eye")
(ii) take energy from (i.e. damage) your heart chakra

which will cause:

(i) damage to your feeling body - particularly with respect to relationships
(ii) damage to your energy (etheric) body - including hypersensitising you to other peoples energies (causing harmful vulnerabilities to others) and to certain foods, earth energies and materials
(iii) damage to your physical body - usually to the heart and upper respiratory system

And answers to your tests will be particularly distorted in equivalent areas - your relationships, foods, etc.. Of course, the shapes of the keys make a small difference but the principle holds true for dowsing with any small rods/strips of metal.

In other words, the crown - and other areas of the body - become weaker and weaker through regularly using self-harming dowsing techniques. This is why we end up treating many long-term dowsers who have developed massive lesions in their energy bodies through using their particular dowsing method.

Many healers and dowsers develop chronic health problems - or difficulties in other areas of their lives - through using techniques that cause permanent lesions in their energy bodies. Unfortunately, since peoples' energy awareness is usually very weak, they are unaware of how much damage they are doing to themselves through apparently innocuous techniques.  They will, of course, get results, but the question is always, how accurate are they and what price did they (energetically) pay to get that result.

This kind of damage can usually be repaired over time, but that requires an Energy Egg, a Perfect Pendulum (if they wish to continue dowsing) and a personal tapping sequence with the Energy Egg.

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