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"Learning to cultivate your life energies is the beginning of a way of life that is healing, illuminating, empowering and liberating"
Hidden Secrets of Real Health (page 86)
 Stephen and Lynda Kane,
creators of the powerful ERA(Energy Recovery Awareness) methods of
life energy transformation and authors of
"Hidden Secrets of RealHealth."


some comments from E.A.T. graduates and our clients . .

"The trainings you have created and the empowerments you give are the most precious gifts I've ever been given. My prayers for a true path were answered when I met you. Thank you for doing what you do."

"... it's different to anything else and was so challenging to my beliefs and self-perceptions. It far surpassed my expectations - I certainly didn't expect a course that  is changing how I look at who I (really) am and how I make my choices in life. Unlike many approaches that just might make you feel better but don't really change the problems, I am changed and am different."

“I did not realise it was going to change my life!”

"Many thanks  for a fantastic course -  I'm  still fairly mind-blown by it! - so many health problems have cleared up - and I'm feeling so much better - I no longer need to see the practitioner I've been seeing for three years"

"The training was above and beyond anything I'd expected. I only wish I'd had all this when I was young. I wouldn't have missed this weekend for anything!"

"I feel so well - just like I did when I was 20 years old - and my energy level is fantastic. I don't crave sweet food or any other type of food. I am sleeping so much better, don't get so tired - and there are strange things happening: I seem to see things happening before they happen - whatever I dream seems to come true . . ."

"The workshop was beyond my expectations. The information was perfect. The training was excellent."  

"I'm so grateful to you for providing such an incredibly profound and life-changing training. Your work with energy has given me practical techniques for transforming my life in every way: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I've already experienced how some of your very simple techniques can have a major effect on health, stopping one problem - within a week - I'd had almost daily for 7 months"


"My energy is much more stable and my awareness far increased! - I just wish I’d found you sooner and hadn’t had to suffer for so many years without proper help.


"Your techniques have helped me enormously. I've learnt to recognise what gives me energy and what drains it and have been able to let go of attachments to people and other sources of stress that were keeping me stuck in a life I didn't want to live. Without your loving support, I doubt I’d be living the happy, successful life I have today."

“It’s so good to be able to do things without feeling totally exhausted. Your work is so far in advance of anything else I’ve found. You have given me back my life”

"You guys are shining examples of what you teach - in your presentation and your patience. It's wonderful to have the insights and knowledge you have. And being able to present them so clearly and be so encouraging and empowering is a true testament to the work you do. I feel truly honoured, blessed and excited to have found you!"


“Of all the workshops I have been to, this one has given me new ways to truly help myself - the rewards can be beyond expectations”

"It was an unbelievably great weekend. I have never been on a better training. It was a heavenly experience"


"When I look back a few months, all areas of my life are so much better. Now my goal is to be as aware as you guys!"

"I just want to say that the work you're doing is great. It was the best thing that ever happened to me when I saw your email address   "

London, Saturday September 2nd & Sunday September 3rd 2006
9.00 - 5.00pm each day
How to recover your energy, overcome chronic health problems and improve any area of your life or work through awakening your dormant
energy awareness

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."  
                                                                                                                             Albert Einstein

Your Life is Your Energy

We've found, in over 50 years of combined Energy Awareness practice, that our health, wealth, relationships, work, creativity and other life experiences all reflect the kinds and quantities of energies (ki ) flowing through our bodies. And that by cultivating your ki, you can transform your life and discover your hidden potential.

All of 'who you are' - your qualities, abilities, strengths and weaknesses - are the products of certain energies in your body. And each problem you ever experience reflects your lack of an energy you really need in your life.

Changing your energies really will change your life. Start today by reserving your place on this life-changing weekend.

The Energy Awareness Training is for you if:
  • You feel the need to be able to cut through all the confusion in your life and start making decisions based on knowing what will really benefit you, your family or friends - and what is best avoided. The practices taught in the training go far beyond all the usual energy testing techniques by developing your own direct awareness of human and environmental energies.
  • You want to develop your higher awareness but wish to avoid the pitfalls, belief systems and unnecessary behaviours or rituals so often included in many forms of personal or spiritual development.
  • You have some sense of energy or ki (maybe by doing tai chi, qi gong or some form of energy therapy, etc.) and would like to understand more about how it actually works, how it affects your life and how to cultivate your own energy to bring more power, focus, happiness and success into any area of your life.
  • You are in a caring profession and would like to develop your energy awareness to help your clients more effectively and empower your practice. As a health practitioner, EA methods can easily be integrated into your current practice for increased awareness of the effects of your treatment on your client. The Energy Awareness Training includes clear and easy-to-follow protocols for you (see below).

What will happen on the training?
During this highly practical 2-day workshop for awakening to your energy, you'll learn a unique and fascinating blend of energy awareness development techniques and key inner-energy cultivation work that will steadily transform your life. It's the beginning of living your life a different way - a way that empowers you to recognise the choices that lead to a happier and more fulfilling future. The Energy Awareness training includes clear explanations of human and environmental energies and many unique demonstrations of how they affect you and your life. Each participant receives personal guidance and support. You will leave with a complete set of tools that you can use for the rest of your life. Some of the topics covered include: 
  • How to protect yourself from health-damaging energies and relationships - and beckon more empowering relationships and opportunities into all areas of your life.
  • The Returning Life weave - a unique and powerful ki-cultivating exercise for recovering your lost energies and revitalizing your life. Every day we lose a little more energy. These simple movement patterns enable you to recover energies you have lost. Practitioners of the Returning Life tell us that people who haven't seen them for a while remark on how much younger they look! 
  • The route to whole-body energy awareness - techniques for accurately identifying which foods, relationships, exercises, medicines, colours, jewellery, therapies, teachers, houses, places or possessions will help or harm you or others - and why. You will leave the training able to tell how anything is going to affect you and whether a decision is the right or wrong one for you.   
  • Environmental Energy Awareness - how to protect yourself from the increasing energetic (EMF, geopathic and much more) stress and pollution in the world and how to use the energies in your environment (with which we are intimately integrated) for your personal development. Also, how to eliminate the foreign energies we all pick up from other people and demonstrations of the original Energy Egg energy protection device.  
  • Kitai - inner-energy cultivation methods which enable you to pass beyond physical means of testing energy - such as dowsing, muscle tests or electronic instrumentation - to direct energy awareness. The start of a life-long journey into the world of energy.
  • Awakening your dormant, psycho-energetic talents -  an introduction to how developing your own essential creativity - your personal path -  is the most powerful means of sovercoming the root karmas or ongoing problems in your life. Addressing your root karmas is a journey of increasingly extraordinary discovery.
  • Generating your fortune path - your future life is created by the decisions you take today, tomorrow and the day after that . . . because each decison affects your energy and your energy is your life! These techniques enable you generate the energy to transform current or future misfortunes - confusion, exhaustion, illness or failure - into opportunities for new wisdom, strength, happiness and success

If you are a therapist or other alternative practitioner, you will learn simple protocols, that eaily integrate into your treatment or practice modality, for:

  • Assessing the potential effectiveness of any treatment
  • Increasing a client's responsiveness to treatment
  • Identifying and eliminating environmental stresses preventing recovery
  • Continuing your own energy awareness development

This is not a training for the mass market. It is transmitted directly, person to person, through the medium of unique exercises, concentrations and practices. This work gives you the opportunity to awaken your dormant talents - the psycho-energetic abilities with which each one of us is born but which, for most people, never reach the light of day. A great deal of attention is given to the empowerment process for each participant in the Energy Awareness Training so course numbers are kept relatively small.

We invite you to join us for this life-changing experience.

Stephen & Lynda
The School of Energy Awareness

"It was a most wonderful weekend – for once I can truly say it was an experience and not just information.  I feel truly empowered and sense its continuation in my life... it really is life changing! THANK YOU is not enough... I don’t want to sound over the top, but I have such admiration for the work you are doing"  CB, Brighton

The Energy Awareness Training costs £197.00

Earlybird Discount - £
180.00 - for booking with payment before August 01 2006

register - click here


0207 617 752

or 0844 617 9412

to book a place or if you have any questions.

After registration you will receive additional information about the course, what to bring and details of location. etc. Give yourself the opportunity. It's an experience you won't forget!

"It was such a brilliant weekend - I feel truly blessed - I wish I'd found this work years ago!"

Bookings can also be made for

private Energy Solutions consultations on
Friday September 1st or Monday September 4th.

These appointments fill up quickly, so please book well in advance.

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Click here


about Lynda & Stephen Kane

Lynda and Stephen have worked together since 1986, creating and delivering Energy Awareness empowerments for awakening talents and developing a concrete higher energy awareness. They now work with individuals all over the world through their online program of personal empowerment, the Entry Path. This program is for those who wish to go beyond therapy and healing to deliberately cultivate all their life energies, develop their higher awareness and live an increasingly conscious life.

In addition to offering the Entry Path and mentoring and supporting their students, Stephen and Lynda write books and articles on energy awareness, develop uniquely powerful technology for energy protection and development, offer short trainings for energy awareness development and provide various energy awareness-based consultations such as Energy Solutions and the Living Home 
Having received empowerments from many spiritual masters, Stephen's work originally focused on medical bio-energetics and the impact of environmental stress on the human body. He was the Director of the Institute for Advanced Health Research, an organisation that pioneered new bio-energetic techniques for overcoming allergy-related illnesses and their associated chronic infections and environmental stresses. He has taught many professional therapists, doctors and lay practitioners. Many ex-patients have continued, after training, to help their families, friends or pupils achieve recoveries from long-term disorders that have resisted other approaches. Stephen's writings include original work on the theory and practice of human empowerment and in-depth analysis of the many life-determining relationships between human and environmental energies.

In her earlier career, Lynda was the Chief Psychologist at British Airways and, later, psychological consultant and executive coach for senior teams in large organisations. Facilitating change, at both the group and individual level, has always been her primary interest, both psychologically and energetically. She continues to provide coaching for corporate and energy-aware clients. As she started integrating energy work into her professional life, Lynda began working with Stephen to develop a radically new form of energy psychology - Vision counselling. This powerful form of energy-activating mentoring enables clients to transform problems or limiting conditions into new abilities, essential creativity and higher awareness. This process of deliberately creating a higher energy future can be experienced through Vision counselling or through the unique, energy awareness cultivation program - the Entry Path.

Stephen and Lynda currently live in the mountains of the south of France where they are creating their own "Living Home" - an energy-cultivating home that regenerates life energies snd cultivates many forms of higher awareness. They have found that anyone, by learning how to concretely sense and respond to the energies influencing their life, can initiate changes within themselves and their futures that are otherwise impossible to achieve.

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